Paper tables for tracking the toilet cleaning are over. Now you can track delivery of tasks through placing the mobile phone on NFC tag situated in the respective place where the task shall be carried out. Staff responsible for tracking the tasks can track delivery of tasks for all the workers at one time and from one place - again using this mobile application or via web interface from their computer.
This service is usable not only for tracking of toilet cleaning but in facility management in general, in production area and other situations - tracking the rounds of security staff, regular maintanance checks of various equipment etc. Simply anywhere where it is important to know that worker truly came to respective place and which tasks were carried out. Now you will be the first to know that some task was completed on time and in proper way.
It is enough to have NFC-enabled phone and put it to NFC tag at the place of task delivery.
Tracking of actually performed tasks / actions by a worker.
Tracking of material consumed at performance of tasks.
Great overview of situation in real time.
Our service can be leveraged everywhere where it is necessary to track regular visits of workers in particular places - in buildings as well as outside of buildings./p>
Great and instant overview of regularity of cleaning, record of related material consumption.
Great and instant overview of regularity of security circuits, record of found problems.
Great and instant overview of regular checks of production and other machines, record of controls and material consumption.
Instant as well as long-term overview of executions of revisions of various facilities (e.g. hydrants).
This is how our application looks like. Currently we support phones with OS Android, iOS (iPhone) version is in preparation. NFC technology is currently supported by even the cheapest phones below 100 EUR price. And NFC tags placed at places of particular conducted tasks are just for several EUR cents. The service provides also web interface for access to statistics from common PC.
Write us to and we will make you able to try out the service for free.
Contact us via phone or via email through below details. We will provide you with tailor made offer precisely reflecting your needs.
Also we can prepare for you the complete design of the solution implementation for your conditions incl. all necessary equipment as phones, NFC tags etc.
We are also able to adjust whole service functionality based on your particular needs and specific requirements.
Do you want to ask for anything? Please contact us. We can provide you with any advice and we can make you able to try out the service for free.
Working days: 9:00 - 17:00